Designing with….Chickaniddy!

Hello crafty friends? How are you? I am doing well. The husband and I are balancing work outside of the home with helping a pair of kindergarteners read, enjoying our little preschooler expand his vocabulary by leaps and bounds and taking every single chance we can to grill outside when the weather is nice (hugs to you, Spring).

I realize my posts have been infrequent and I apologize. But I have been super busy busting out (yes I said busting out) designs with some of the fabulous crafty goodness I have been fortunate to get my hands on.

Today I want to share some of the goodness I created featuring Chickaniddy’s Twirly Girly, Date Night and a little bit of Jolly Good. Those names tho’ (I need to ask my sister if I’m using 2015 slang appropriately.)  Chickaniddy’s collection names are just fabulous! Here is what I have designed along with a sneak photo:

Happy Anniversary Card Supplies Chickaniddy Tyra Babington

March Trends: Colors Green/Gray

Circle Card Supplies Chickaniddy Tyra Babington
March Trends: Circles

Date Night Process Photos
Two Lovely Cards to Share

Stop by tomorrow for some of my latest from Clique Kits!

As always, thanks so much for stopping by! xo, Tyra

I love comments! I read each & every one. Thank you so much :)